Home Our Activities Programs and Certifications PNQM – National Wood Quality Program

PNQM – National Wood Quality Program

The PNQM (National Wood Quality Program) is a management system tool that controls product quality at all stages of the production process, from receipt of raw materials and inputs to product packaging and shipment. end, supplying the market with standardized products in accordance with technical standards.

The industries that implement the system benefit from gains in productivity, reduction of losses and costs, in addition to being a facilitator for the implementation of other certifications in the company.

Abimci, through the PNQM provides, in addition to the control tool implemented in the factory, technical support to companies and monitoring, through independent audits. The segments served by the program are: plywood, doors, sawn wood and companies supplying the chain, such as manufacturers of resins and wood preservatives.

If your company is interested in implementing a management system tool that operates in product quality control.